Again, we started the journey with a safety brief from the owner of AO, some quick refresher paddling training and we were off to discover another river world. The rapids at Chuck Shoals was exciting for the whole family. We all waited and watched for the 10 foot Etowah Falls which you have to portage around. After getting hung up on the Warning Drop we expertly guided our kayaks to the take-out point and enjoyed a picnic lunch next to the beautiful falls.
After lunch we all took a refreshing afternoon dip in the pools of crystal clear water below the falls. We got caught in the river current trying to swim back to the kayaks but with our life jackets on we all just laughed until we cried, a family of crazy river people floundering in the water. The Rocky Road Rapid was just plain old fashioned outdoor fun like I remember growing up rafting and swimming in rivers in Connecticut and Vermont. At the end of the trip we wished it could have gone on forever. But with another quick dip in the Etowah, our pick-up from AO was there to take us back to our car. After all the activity we were a bit tired and starving, so we went into the little town of Dahlonega up the road for some victuals and found the best fudge in the world. |